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查尔斯·施瓦布(Charles Schwab)进行的现代财富调查显示,在经济动荡时期,美国人开始更多地关注自己的财务状况,大约五分之一的人表示他们可能会在股票市场上投入更多的资金。同一项调查还显示,有22%的美国人表示,他们更有可能在COVID-19危机及其造成的经济衰退期间首次进行投资。
The coronavirus has undoubtedly had a devastating financial effect, both for the economy and for millions of individual American families. But amid all the bad news, there's one small piece of good news: The pandemic may prompt more people to start investing.
And as long as people are doing that wisely, that's a great thing -- it could enable more people than ever to build wealth that will help to see them through the next crisis and give them the financial security they deserve.
Millions of Americans may become investors due to COVID-19
As Americans have begun to focus more on their finances during these turbulent economic times, around one in five have indicated they're likely to invest more money in the stock market now, according to Charles Schwab's modern wealth survey. The same survey also revealed that 22% of Americans indicate they're more likely to start investing for the first time during the COVID-19 crisis and resulting economic recession.
Clearly, for millions of Americans, the crisis was a wake-up call that has them considering jumping into the market. After all, when the economy was good and unemployment was at record lows, it was easy to assume your job would always be there and you could always save and invest for the future later. But during a public health crisis and economic depression, financial worries have come to the forefront, underscoring the need to build more economic security.
For others, the market volatility surrounding the great lockdown and the recession has presented an ideal buying opportunity for stocks. After all, volatile markets often make it possible to buy shares on sale during temporary downturns. When the inevitable recovery arrives, astute investors who put more money into the market during corrections will often see impressive returns. Those who considered increasing the amount they're investing during the last few turbulent months were likely hoping to capitalize on this.
Of course, not everyone was eager to jump into either investing for the first time or increasing their investments. Schwab's survey also revealed around 30% of Americans are apprehensive about investing. This is normal, and it's not a bad thing to be cautious -- but overcoming those worries by becoming an educated investor is essential to build wealth.
(Source: www.nasdaq.com)
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